Archive for August, 2012

Procrastination Cooking: Homemade Tomato Sauce

Tomato Sauce Mixture

There are only two things I can think of to do with a 5-lb bag of plum tomatoes: make jars of salsa or a pot of spaghetti sauce. If I make fresh salsa, I run into the inevitable corn-chip-to-salsa-ratio problem where I run out of corn chips, buy a new bag, then run out of salsa. You can never have the perfect amount of chips and salsa. If I make spaghetti sauce, I can freeze it and have delicious, homemade sauce in the fall.

As you may have already figured out, in this week’s CSA box I got a …


5 Ingredient Feast: Frozen Greek Yogurt with Blackberries and Mint

Blackberry FroYo

Ice cream is one of those foods that is pretty much universally loved. I mean, who doesn’t love ice cream? Certainly not my family. We absolutely adore it. When, as a baby, it was found that I was lactose intolerant, my mother lamented the fact that I could never eat ice cream. Later, when I was a little older and had – thankfully – grown out of my lactose intolerance, my sister and I would spend a week or so each summer visiting our Nana. The last thing my dad always said before our parents dropped us off was, …


In Season: Tomatillos


I scream, you scream, we all scream for…salsa verde! Ay ay ay! I know I’m not the only one who gets excited over salsa verde whenever I go to a Mexican restaurant. Tangy, fresh, and a little zesty…how can you resist?!

If you love salsa verde, thank the “little tomatoes” called tomatillos. I was first introduced to these small, green fruits covered in paper-thin husks when I made chicken enchiladas verdes. After instantly falling in love with these cute lil’ fruits, I incorporated them into recipes other than typical Mexican dishes. Trust me, there’s nothing …