Kitchen Stuff: The Mini Food Processor

Posted by on Friday May 17th, 2013 | Print

In a small kitchen, you don’t need a lot of equipment to cook great food. Still, you do need some pots,pans, utensils, and dishes–obviously. In the BGSK book, you’ll find a bare bones list of necessary equipment, but I’ve long wanted to bring you a similar resource on the web.

So we’re going one by one, stocking up our virtual pantries and maybe our real ones too.

Today I want to talk about the mini food processor. I own a Cuisinart Mini-Prep Food Processor. It’s one of the first gifts Alex ever bought me, and it’s a workhorse. I use it almost daily, primarily for all these dips, from pesto to homemade mayonaise. It would be worth it alone for making homemade hummus. I have, however, even pulsed together a smoothie in this guy.

The real reason I use the mini prep all the time is because its footprint is tiny. Even though I don’t have much counter space, I leave the mini prep out all the time. It’s cute. It inspires me to blend things. And there’s no lugging a blender down from the top shelf when I’m ready to go.

In case you don’t believe me that you’ll use this guy for everything, here’s a sampling of dishes you’ll make in your mini prep (pictured above, top to bottom):


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  • GoodRay

    “Dishes you’ll make in your cast-iron pan?” You mean mini blender, right?! I just bought one, but it was an impulse buy, (I had my period, was very unstable) I only used it for milkshakes until now, and I have to be super-careful not to overfill it, or it makes a mess. Yeah, not so well spent money..

    • GoodRay

      I should have thought it over and buy a Good one like yours. But for now you know..I keep cheap crappy one and try making the best of it. By the way I adore this series, I also went to the store yesterday to look at the le creuset, we plan on adding it to our equipment!! :) ) (we have three pots by now, and that and the oven pans is all I used to cook this last year)

  • Lauren

    The mini prep was my first purchase after buying your book. Love mine! I wanted the dutch oven, but I had to wait until Christmas.

    • BGSK

      Glad to hear it Lauren! The Dutch oven is a bit of a bigger purchase…

  • Tin City

    Just received my food processor from Amazon and it’s great. I want to share my Amazon promo code - You will not be disappointed.

  • Nati

    I have to disagree about the usefulness of this appliance. I have one and I don’t think it’s helpful at all. It’s not powerful and you have to divide most recipes by 1/3 (or go through the hassle of preparing them in 3 separate batches). i got a full-sized 1000W food processor for my birthday this year, and it is about 1,000,000 times more efficient and handy. I wouldn’t waste your money on this small version…mine has since been given away.

    • BGSK

      Thanks for weighing in! Since I’m cooking for two and have limited counter space, the small guys works great, but I see where you’re coming from too.