Kara Lindsey

Kara Lindsey

Kara Lindsey is a senior at the University of Texas Austin where she studies Film and Television. She is best known for her comedic digital shorts, for saving a litter of kittens in a Mexico border-town, and for her mad cupcake baking skills. Most of all, she loves spending time exploring the outdoors-in beautiful Austin, TX.

Most Worthwhile Class: The Films of Alfred Hitchcock.

Best Party Theme: It's a tie between 90s Grunge Party and Mustache & Lingerie Party-where you can either wear lingerie or a fake mustache. Most girls wear both.

Greatest Kitchen Disaster: I was not thinking clearly and I put a baked potato wrapped in tin foil in the school microwave. Apparently tin foil is a metal and you can't put metal in the microwave.

Tastiest Travel Experience: When I was studying abroad in Prague our documentary professor made our class a homemade meal one night. He served us fresh mozzarella with basil and tomato and a pasta to die for! Also there was a cafe in Prague that sold the tastiest Almond chocolate coffee!

Favorite Healthful Food: Grapefruit.

Weird Summer Date Ideas

Since the summer offers warmer weather, more daylight, and more expendable free time, it really should be considered the official dating season. It’s the perfect time to try some fun outdoor date ideas! And if you were reading this on Cosmo‘s or Seventeen‘s website, the following dates would be cute/sexy and “special.” However, you’re reading this blog as written by a quirky weird girl, with only quirky weird dating stories from the quirky weird scene. Here are a few inspired ideas as described by a select sampling of Los Angeles locals.

1) “My boyfriend took me to this …


Summer Flings and Things

They say you should try experimenting when in college, overseas, or “in the bedroom”. Understandably, some people choose to knock out all three of those at once. (You know who you are, you liberated study abroad students). But for those of you who are mentally drained from another semester of college, and want to experiment with something less committal…it’s called a “summer fling”.

If you haven’t seen “Grease” or “Dirty Dancing”, you are probably unaware of the magical powers that summer possesses; but there are good reasons for the summer fling and its staying power.

1. If the fling gets


Fun Drinking Game Round-Up

If you’re in college, even if you’re a freshman, by now you must know about, have participated in, or wish you hadn’t participated in at least one drinking game. There’s the classic “truth or drink” variation on truth or dare; “King’s Cup”; “Flip Cup”; “Beer Pong”; and countless others that involve pitchers, cards, or ping pong balls. Here a few games you may not have tried.

**Drinking Games for the Bar**

Sure, for the most part you go out in order to meet people or explore new places, but sometimes things can get boring out there, so here are a …


A Recipe for Undergrad Love

I use to think that dessert was synonymous with romance and or affection. That was last week though. If you accidentally lean into someone’s cake at a party and no one tells you until around 1 am and the person who points it out happens to be some tall cute guy who only noticed ’cause he was dancing with you and got icing on his hands, then dessert suddenly loses that “it” factor and becomes a reminder of how uncomfortably close you are to being the next Bridget Jones.

Yet prior to last week, desserts in general still had that …


Date with Asparagus

We're tasty

I know that the relationship/dating world is vastly broad and I should be able to pull from a billion various stories and ideas. However, can’t a girl take a break from having to think about the opposite sex and what “this” all means?

What I’m really jonesing for right now is just a bit of a vacation. Vacation from work, school, life, ANYTHING; and if the only way I can catch a mental break is to completely blog about something unrelated to my usual beat-then fine. This brings me to today’s topic: Asparagus.

Truthfully, my relationship with this …


A Dining Hall Date? Why not!

Remember...this is what you could end up sitting by

I’m a girl of whimsy and fantasy, and one reoccurring fantasy has been one of me being proposed to with waffles. I did a summer program at Yale once, and was required to eat in their majestic dining palace. They had this waffle station where you made your own waffles, and the waffle iron was constructed so that your waffle would have a huge “Y” insignia in the middle of it. Essentially I was impressed by a huge waffle stamp at the age of 19.

As a 23 year-old, I still find it cool, but what would be even more …


Subliminal Sipping


People should never wear watches to a bar. If you hang around long enough you can usually tell what time it is by the way people act. For example, if lights are flashing and everyone around you is stumbling out of the bar like a cattle line-that means time to go. Or if your roommate is dancing on the bar it’s roughly 11:32pm and you just arrived 10 minutes ago. Then there is the time of night when boys and girls are loose enough to start being generous with their time/money-meaning-the point at which someone will offer to buy you …


The 5 Best Hangover Foods

“I hate myself! I’m going to fail out of law school!”

My roommate says this as she kicks me out of my bed and takes over. The girl is hungover, and not in a funny, there’s-a-tiger-in-our-bathroom sort of way. While most college kids would just stick to the ol’ coffee and aspirin routine, I luckily took a nutrition class last year so I know a lot—perhaps too much—about food cures for hangovers. Here is the good news: eating high sugar foods is actually a better form for getting rid of the excess side effects than anything else out there.

Here …


First Dates: Almost Appetizing

I do all my best thinking on the university shuttle bus. Newton had his bathtub, law students have their library, and I…I have my metro bus. It’s on this metro bus that I first realized how utterly stupid I am for wanting to write about dating and food. I’m not a complete and utter loser. I get asked out or at least hit on by drunk homeless men who hang out by the bus stops. However do I really have enough material to keep me going? Then I considered the alternative: writing about actual kitchen stuff. I have a better …


How To: Keep Your Apartment Clean with…Food

As a college student there is nothing more enjoyable then getting multiple uses out of items. For example: reversible clothing, edible body glitter, the whole “I’m going to use my alcohol bottles as decoration around the apartment” scenario.


Now there is another way to get more bang for your buck: using food products to clean your place. Say good bye to the Smurf-like blue liquids and the harsh forest-smelling products you used to use. All you need to deodorize and disinfect your pad are three simple ingredients from your kitchen: baking soda, lemons, and vinegar.

Vinegar is your …