The 5 Best Hangover Foods

“I hate myself! I’m going to fail out of law school!”

My roommate says this as she kicks me out of my bed and takes over. The girl is hungover, and not in a funny, there’s-a-tiger-in-our-bathroom sort of way. While most college kids would just stick to the ol’ coffee and aspirin routine, I luckily took a nutrition class last year so I know a lot—perhaps too much—about food cures for hangovers. Here is the good news: eating high sugar foods is actually a better form for getting rid of the excess side effects than anything else out there.

Here is a list of five easily accessible foods to help you or your constantly drunk roommate with the morning after.

1. Pancakes. If you drink, you better start working out, because not only are you consuming calories from the alkie but the best hangover foods are high in calories as well. Pancakes and other pastries are perfect for helping rid your body of the remaining alcohol. The high glycemic index will replenish your blood sugar levels plus help mop up that leftover alcohol lying in your body.

2. Popcorn & Soda. Trying to avoid your friends after a night of inappropriate behavior? Perfect, because you can go take in a movie and help with your hangover at one and the same time. Popcorn is a nice carb, with plenty of sodium, which you need to help with hydration. Soda has enough sugar to keep you going, and helps with hydration as well.

3. Fruits. Fruits are the healthiest and best way to eat your way out of a hangover. These natural candies are high in sugar and help stabilize your blood levels. Fruits like bananas and oranges are especially good, due to their potassium and vitamin C; vitamins/minerals which will help control that headache.

4. Eggs. If you are out of any of the above, then stomach some eggs. They are high in protein, and protein is necessary for carrying out the cellular rebuilding process. After you spent half a night hitting on your ex at drunken karaoke, you definitely need to rebuild some brain cells. Also, the good cholesterol restores your blood stream and repairs your tweaked-out nervous system.

5. Water or Milk. Finally, the best way to help with your hangover is simply to hydrate. Drinking coffee actually reverses this process, so be sure to stick with beverages like Gatorade, water, or even milk—which helps with the stomach lining, and absorbs any alcohol left in your body.

Kara goes to school at UT Austin, where she’s known for her comedic digital shorts, for saving a litter of kittens in a Mexico border-town, and for her mad cupcake baking skills.

Originally posted on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

5 Responses to “The 5 Best Hangover Foods”

  1. Candy Dish: Campus Scoop : College Candy

    April 17th, 2011

    [...] Top 5 hangover foods [...]

  2. al

    April 18th, 2011

    soda hydrating? really? you’re going to kill someone spreading dangerous misinformation like that. My brother passed out and pissed himself due to dehydration from SODA and had to go to the hospital.

  3. Cara

    April 19th, 2011

    Al-the sugar in soda can actually help your body absorb liquid when you’re seriously dehydrated. If your stomach is a bit uneasy too, sodas like gingerale and coke can really subdue it.

    Thanks for commenting.

    -The Small Kitchen College Team

  4. Jill

    June 6th, 2011

    A greasy hamburger and fries always did the trick for me. I used to work at an all day breakfast place in college and their greasy skillets had the same effect…any science to back that one up or was it just coincidence?

  5. the voice

    February 28th, 2012

    I’m not sure where you’re getting your info, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic info I was looking for this information for my mission.

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