This Week at College: Revamp - Music, Cubicles and Living Spaces

Every week we give you the latest in college news, trends, and lifestyle tips. If you have anything juicy, make sure to post it here on the Small Kitchen College facebook page, and we’ll include it in next week’s edition.

–Rebecca McGoldrick, Small Kitchen College Contributor


The food pyramid is out, and the federal government’s New Food Plate Icon is in!

Feel closer to home (or college) with Intern Week: Making Your Temporary Intern Space Your Own.

Commencement speakers can make or break a graduation- check out The Best Commencement Speeches Of 2011.

If you are looking to spruce up that dorm room or crappy college apartment next year, consider Wall Decor that Attracts Attention.

If you ran out of time to download lots of new music (or were only able to download the pre-game appropriate songs) this year like we did, check out this list of Music for Every Mood.

The summer intern wardrobe can be frustrating at best; get The Basics and you will be well on your way!

The Casual Drinker’s Guide to Summer Beers on Small Kitchen College will introduce you to the tastiest seasonal ales!

Originally posted on Friday, June 3rd, 2011

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