This Week at College: Moving Out, Moving Up and Cooking with Big Girls, Small Kitchen!

Every week we give you the latest in college news, trends, and lifestyle tips. If you have anything juicy, make sure to post it here on the Small Kitchen College facebook page, and we’ll include it in next week’s edition.

–Rebecca McGoldrick, Small Kitchen College Contributor



Impress your boss this summer with these 20 Words That Make You Sound Smarter.

If you are still trying to finagle traveling the world, one of these Globe-Trekking jobs could be the answer to your prayers.

Make sure to prepare for these 6 Most Annoying Things About Move-Out Day when you are scrambling to pack after graduation.

We know texting while driving is dangerous, but Texting On Foot is Fraught With Hazards too!

For all of your collegiate and quarter-life cooks out there, check out In the Small Kitchen. The cookbook is finally here!

Originally posted on Saturday, May 28th, 2011

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