This Week at College: Eating and Exercising Right

Every week we give you the latest in college news, trends, and lifestyle tips. If you have anything juicy, make sure to post it here on the Small Kitchen College facebook page, and we’ll include it in next week’s edition.

–Megumi Sasada, Small Kitchen College Contributor


Now that we’re reaching the height of beach season, you want your skin to look its best. Check out 10 Foods For Healthy Glowing Skin to treat your skin from the inside. In addition, read about the Best Antioxidant Foods to Improve Health to live longer and improve skin and hair health.

Buying organic can be expensive. But eating pesticides aren’t appetizing either. What to do? Read “Economy Kitchen: Eggs” to know if you should buy organic eggs or standard eggs.

Do you crave the gym? Freak out when you miss your 3o min on the treadmill? Be ware: you may be over exercising. Read What Does Over Exercising Really Mean? to see if you’re overworking your body.

You kind of remember pressing that snooze… but did you really oversleep 30 minutes? Read about the 5 Minutes Make Up Routine for that quick fix before rushing out the door.

Last week, Small Kitchen College encouraged its readers to brown bag it. Bringing your lunch not only saves money, but inspires you to be creative. Read here for Cheapest and Healthiest Lunch Packs for Interns.

Originally posted on Friday, July 22nd, 2011

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