Friday Recipe Round-up: Beating the heat with Mexican Food!

Every week we’ll round up some of the best recipes, food writing, cooking tips and drinking tricks that every college student should know about. Here’s what’s cooking in virtual kitchens, around the web, this week.

It’s hot out, really hot out, so what do we crave when it’s record temps outside? Mexican food!

-Melissa Tovin, Small Kitchen College Contributor


Want Mexican food on a budget? Try this taco chicken bowl for some spicy summer flavor.

How about you wash it down with a delish mexican mojito.

Add some salsa to give some spice to your fish sandwich.

Cool down with some fun ice pops like these strawberry paletas.

Originally posted on Friday, July 22nd, 2011

One Response to “Friday Recipe Round-up: Beating the heat with Mexican Food!”

  1. Karin Tracey

    August 7th, 2011

    I have a cocktail I would like to submit. It’s fondly named a “Tuesday” probably because it was constructed on a hot Tuesday afternoon up at the cottage in Canada. Tall glass filled with ice, 1:1 ratio of Coors light and Smirnoff Ice and garnish with a lime. It’s very refreshing and leaves you with a nice little buzz! Enjoy!

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