On Tap: Ska True Blonde Ale

Looking for more seasonal beers to stock in your fridge? Check out our guide to summer ales.

The latest showdown in the beer industry? The epic battle of Can v. Bottle.

Can enthusiasts were off to a slow start with a team composed entirely of hipsters and PBR tallboys. Luckily for the Can team, many craft breweries have recently joined their side, giving them a more advantageous (and acceptable) position. Bottle-lovers better step up their game, it looks like the Cans are about to take the lead.

This week’s MVP for the Cans is Ska True Blonde Ale. This American-style blonde ale is perfect for a sunny summer afternoon and is suitable for beer amateurs and professionals alike. Offering pleasant grain and honey aromas, in the mouth it feels smooth and creamy . Each sip is lined with a thin sweetness and contains a delightful balance of hops and malts as well as some fruity apple and honey flavors.

Alex Milling writes about booze for Small Kitchen College. She recently graduated from Northwestern, moved into the city, and stocked her new fridge with refreshing summer ales.

Originally posted on Thursday, August 4th, 2011

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