Giveaway: Small Kitchen Wine Rack! [closed]

If Phoebe owned a Wall-Mounted Wine Rack,
perhaps she wouldn’t have to keep her stash in the closet…

After our trickery on April 1st, we’re thrilled to be hosting another (real) giveaway! This time the real live prize is sponsored by CSN Stores, whose sister sites feature a ton of great small apartment (and kitchen) equipment, from corner tv stands to other space-saving necessities like this handy dandy Oenophilia Wall Mounted Wine Rack. To win the wine rack for yourself, read on and comment below!
Admittedly, we don’t talk a whole lot about wine on this blog. That’s because, as Quarter-Life Cooks, providing wine AND food just doesn’t fit into our budget. Instead, we rely on our friends to bring the booze and, when the (all too rare) invitation arises to bring wine to someone else’s home, we usually have a few leftovers lying around to re-gift. (Phoebe’s friend Nathalie recently got into trouble with this tactic: she grabbed a random bottle of wine from her rack as she was jetting to a fancy dinner party only to discover as she handed it to the host, that the bottle had come from someone else’s company gathering and bore the label of a well-known bank.)

We’re always curious how you deal with the wine conundrum whether you’re a cook or a guest, and we’d love to know more-especially since we’re writing lots of pointers about this very subject for the book. From experience, we already know that for twenty-somethings the strategy often involves going to the wine store, finding the cheapest shelf, and choosing the nicest looking label from it. But we want to hear more about how you choose your bottles. And for those of you who are beyond quarter-life, we’ll benefit from hearing your perspective on the art of BYOB.

SO…please answer one or all of the following, or feel free to just riff and have at it:

* Do you have a “go-to” bottle of wine that you always bring to dinner parties with friends? If not, how do you go about choosing a random wine? White or red, prosecco or champagne?

* What is the price range you try to stick to? Does this change depending on the event, depending on the friend? (Be honest! We promise, we’re cheap sometimes too.)

* As a host, do you feel like you have to tell friends to bring wine, or they just know to?

* Has a host ever specified only clear white liquids on the premises?

*Have you ever spilled red wine all over yourself, your friend, or your host’s carpet? Do tell…

We look forward to hearing your answers, and we’ll announce the Wine Rack Winner next week on the blog!

From our kitchen, where the carpets are covered in red wine from dinner parties past, to yours,


Originally posted on Thursday, April 15th, 2010

  • Gregg Hansson

    Those wine racks are definitely a space saver for the smaller home or apartment, and offers a great aesthetic finish too.

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