The Food Matters Project: Curried Tomato Soup with Hard-Boiled Eggs

This post is part of the Food Matters Project, a cooking collaboration among participating bloggers. Each week, we will cook a recipe from Mark Bittman’s Food Matters Cookbook, which places an emphasis on mindful and sustainable eating. Follow along with us!

The Food Matters Project choice for this week had me excited from the get-go: Curried Tomato Soup with Hard-Boiled Eggs. I like eggs. I like eggs boiled even more. I like tomato soup. I like curry in my tomato soup even more. The write-up by Mr. Bittman is right up my personal palate alley, too, based on the traditional makhani soup, a staple in Indian cuisine known for its spicy and sweet flavor profile. Spicy and sweet, yes I can dig it, almost as good as salty and sweet in the opposites attract category.

The recipe calls for a medley of chopped veggies, coconut milk, and mix of spices; the recipe ingredient list is long. Luckily the soup itself is easy as can be, really a slice and dice throw-it-in-the-pot and wait kind of a deal. As always, the Bittman recipe is only a guideline. The food matters, but the nuts and bolts of reaching the end result are flexible! I let the stew simmer on a lazy Sunday night and then set the dish rest overnight before re-heating it for a triumphant got me through my Monday night meal.

For the most part, I stuck to the recipe. I used water instead of vegetable broth and instead of cauliflower I subbed in a mixture of vegetables ranging from frozen lima beans to diced celery to diced carrots to pearl onions in addition to the whole onion the recipe calls for. I also chose to use sweet potatoes instead of all-purpose potatoes because who doesn’t love super foods?

The end result was a lovely and fragrant thick stew with a welcome after-kick. The subtle wave of heat set in after each and every slurp, calling my spoon back into the bowl (and yes I slurp my soups because it tastes better)! The coconut milk with its inherent sweetness provided the perfect balance to the otherwise spicy flavor, a neat little mixture of tastes and textures. And the best part, this stew only gets better with age. You will love the slight curry scent this dish graces your apartment with almost as much as you will love the soup itself, and love the soup you will!

The recipe is posted by Joanne over at Eats Well With Others, and you can head here to see what other FMP members did with it!

Sarah Buchanan is a senior at NYU where she studies history and creative writing. When she is not planning her upcoming June wedding or daydreaming about her Antigua honeymoon, she is searching for the city’s best pickles!

Originally posted on Monday, March 19th, 2012

5 Responses to “The Food Matters Project: Curried Tomato Soup with Hard-Boiled Eggs”

  1. Joanne

    March 19th, 2012

    I love how you turned this into a clean-out-the-fridge soup with all these different veggies thrown in! Majorly delicious!

  2. It’s What’s For Dinner | Quotidienne Moi

    March 19th, 2012

    [...] should you make for dinner on this gorgeous Monday night? Head on over to Small Kitchen College for a delicious Food Matters recipe by yours truly. Share this:TwitterFacebookStumbleUponTumblrLike [...]

  3. Margarita

    March 19th, 2012

    Wasn’t it so good? I polished off a big bowl and wanted more.

  4. Alyssa @ Everyday Maven

    March 20th, 2012

    Hi Sarah! Sweet potatoes and coconut milk go great together - bet it was delish. I also went to NYU undergrad - loved it!

  5. Sarah

    March 20th, 2012

    Hi ladies,
    Thanks for the comments!
    Joanne, you nailed it. I used what was on hand and went for it. Lots of ingredients = lots of taste!
    Margarita-I had many a big bowl and may have cried a little when it was all gone.
    Alyssa-sweet potatoes and coconut milk is a winning combo. addicted to the flavors actually. NYU has been a blast. I am sad to see my time come to a close but excited for the Future, too! When did you graduate?


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