Friday Recipe Roundup: Recipes From Around The World

Every week we’ll round up some of the best recipes, food writing, cooking tricks and drinking tips that every college student should know about. Here’s what’s cooking in virtual kitchens around the web this week.

If you can’t get out of the country because you’re too busy studying, your kitchen can take you around the world in no time. Here are some exotic recipes you can make right from home.

— Melissa Tovin, Small Kitchen College Contributor

**SKC Picks**

Shakshuka: the middle-eastern version of hangover brunch! This recipe does have a few steps, so if you’re feeling really hungover, you can just use premade tomato sauce and throw in some eggs.

Here’s a little Italian indulgence for those of you abroad in Europe: try out some olive oil orange cake with pistachios.

If you’re craving Indian food, try out this twist on dal that add a little rhubarb to the mix.

Put some Moroccan spice into your chickpeas for a great addition to any salad or meal with these spiced roasted chickpeas.

And finally, here’s a Mexican guacamole recipe to put you in a beachside mood!

Originally posted on Friday, March 23rd, 2012

One Response to “Friday Recipe Roundup: Recipes From Around The World”

  1. Asher

    June 3rd, 2012

    Thanks for sharing this.
    Its great.

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