This Week at College: Happy Valentine’s Day!

Every week we give you the latest in college news, trends, and lifestyle tips. If you have anything juicy, make sure to post it here on the Small Kitchen College facebook page, and we’ll include it in next week’s edition.

—Kia Mosenthal, Small Kitchen College Contributor.


Dress up for a romantic dinner by choosing one of these red-hot styles.

There’s nothing wrong with dinner and a dozen long-stemmed roses, but if you’re in the mood to branch out, here are 7 creative ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Stay in and cook your sweetheart a meal that makes their heart melt.

What’s better than chocolate on Valentine’s Day? Homemade chocolate.

Don’t have a date this Valentine’s Day? Don’t sweat it—here are 20 perks to being a single lady.

Originally posted on Friday, February 10th, 2012

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