Impulse Buy of the Week: Strawberry Balsamic Jam

Impulse Buy: Strawberry Balsamic Jam
Store: Various locations in New York City
Cost: $7 at Lucy’s Whey, Chelsea Market

Hands down, strawberries are my favorite fruit. Ever. I love them whole, macerated with sugar, covered in chocolate, chopped in a bowl of Cheerios and sprinkled over ice cream.

Without question, balsamic vinegar is my favorite kind of vinegar. I adore that powerful taste, pungent aroma and silky texture drizzled on arugula salads, boiled down and dripped on crepes and blended with honey and cooked over salmon.

Naturally, you can imagine my excitement when I stumbled upon a jar of Strawberry Balsamic Jam. After all, two foods that are so right on their own and are naturally friendly together must surely be delicious in a thick, chunky, fruity jam. Made by Anarchy in a Jar, this particular jar of jam is sold in smaller quantities than is your classic Smucker’s or Bonne Maman jam, though it packs a world of flavor. Of course this spread bursts bright notes of berry, but behind that lays an incredibly tangy taste of balsamic, subtle enough to not be overpowering although prevalent enough to notice and love it.

I purchased my jar right before the holidays, and I’m still working my way through it. See below some of the ways I’ve eaten it, then let me know if you have any suggestions for further use.

**How to Get Through a Jar of Strawberry Balsamic Jam*

1. Enjoy the ultimate breakfast toast –slather the jam on a piece of thick-cut buttered, grilled ciabatta bread, and top with a sprinkling of sea salt.

2. Microwave two tablespoons on a medium setting until warm, and drizzle over almost-melted vanilla ice cream for a light but satisfying sweet treat.

3. Sandwich a hefty layer of this crimson-colored spread with creamy peanut butter between whole-wheat bread to make a fancy PB & J.

4. Serve with soft brie and goat cheeses, a crusty baguette and a drizzle of honey to prepare a decadent cheese-and-crackers plate.

5. Use it to fill linzer or thumbprint cookies to bring a pop of color and slight bite to your dessert.

Maria Russo is a senior at Barnard College and starts off most mornings with nearly-burnt toast with jam. Read more . . .


Originally posted on Friday, February 17th, 2012

3 Responses to “Impulse Buy of the Week: Strawberry Balsamic Jam”

  1. Small Kitchen College: How To Evolve Your Egg Sandwich In 5 Easy Steps | Screw Cable

    March 30th, 2012

    [...] Jam goes on bread. I always used to put strawberry jam on my grilled ham and cheeses, and at the time in my small town it was quite revolutionary. [...]

  2. Small Kitchen College: How To: Use Vending Machine Snacks in Home Cooking | USA Press

    April 10th, 2012

    [...] Bar Sauce. Slowly melt that leftover half of a Hershey’s bar, and serve along with fresh strawberries, incorporate into Greek yogurt or drizzle atop smooth vanilla ice cream. To create the ultimate [...]

  3. Elizabeth

    July 17th, 2012

    I just discovered your blog post after having made today my first ever jam which happens to be strawberry balsamic. The amount of berries I had on hand (dangerously close to having to be thrown out) yielded precisely one very cute little 1/2 pint jar of jam (LOL). So now to come up with some uses. You mentioned with Brie and goat cheese on baguette which put me in mind of baked Brie en croute which I love to make with orange marmalade or apricot preserves and walnuts. So making bite sized morsels by wrapping some strawberry balsamic jam and goat cheese into phyllo triangles might be an awesome idea. Or puff pastry in cupcake pan filled with the jam and cheese. I think I’m onto something! Thanks for the inspiration! :)

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