Friday Recipe Roundup: Oscar-Worthy Eats

It’s no secret that this sunday is Oscar night (we won’t shut up about it, after all). But whether you’re rooting for The Tree of Life or Moneyball (woah, I just realized Brad Pitt is all over this competition), we can all agree on one thing: food. Here are some recipes we’ve rounded up to ensure your Oscar Party is a success.

**SKC Picks**

This herb and lemon buttered popcorn is not your average movie snack, but it’s just as addictive.

Who could resist this cheesy, spicy pull-apart bread (they had me at cheesy), perfect for a party with friends whose hands you trust.

Your Oscar party is not a time to be healthy; it’s a time to start dipping things into cookie dough.

These caramel cupcakes not only celebrate Southern culture while you root for The Help, but they look pretty delicious to boot.

A party isn’t a party without some cocktails—and these kumquat ginger mimosas are celebratory and perfectly in-season.


Lily Bellow graduated in 2009 from Harvard University with a degree in English Literature. While in college, she bartended and cooked at the campus pub, and as a result has a difficult time eating chicken wings. She is the Managing Editor for Small Kitchen College.

Originally posted on Friday, February 24th, 2012

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