This Week At College: Back To School…

Every week we give you the latest in college news, trends, and lifestyle tips. If you have anything juicy, make sure to post it here on the Small Kitchen College facebook page, and we’ll include it in next week’s edition.

–Megumi Sasada, Small Kitchen College Contributor


Going into freshmen year of college can seem like the most nerve racking time of your life. But it doesn’t have to be! Read “Top 5 Things I Wish I Had Known Freshman Year” to calm your freshmen nerves.

Rooming with your best friend? This might change your relationship-perhaps having some friendly rules and contracts will help you set boundaries to prevent blow ups later in the year.

Once you get to school do you know that you’ll have trouble keeping your dorm room clean? Check out these easy ways to prevent a mess (and bugging your roommates).

Bedding can absolutely brighten a room up, especially with those blank white dorm walls. Don’t know where to shop for that extra long sheets? Find out the things you need to know for the perfect dorm room decorations that make you happy.

Being back at school can mean sporadic meal times for some. Find out the healthiest cereal bars, they might surprise you! Do you know how much sugar could be in your cereal bar?!

Before you go back into full stress mode with homework, campus jobs, and friends- read “5 Stress Management Tips” to keep you calm and cool during the school year.

Originally posted on Friday, August 19th, 2011

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