The One-Pot Stop: Smart Summer Shopping

Oh, summertime. There’s nothing quite like it. As students, the majority of us are either headed back home or moving into a sublet near our internship of choice. Regardless of where you fall, your shopping habits are bound to change with the season. Whether or not you’re working, there’s no homework and, therefore, free time is abundant compared to what you’re used to. That said, you’re probably also going out quite a bit. This can take a toll on your wallet, but fear not: there are plenty of ways to make sure that your grocery shopping won’t dip into your nightlife funds (that’s not backwards at all).

Wherever you are, hopefully there’s a farmers’ market because you can get some seriously cheap, fresh produce at the local stands (if you look). Not only that, depending on what area you’re in, there are vendors that sell eggs and dairy products at reasonable prices as well (just beware of fancy cheeses).

For all the other stuff that you need to buy at the regular grocery store, get a membership card to make sure you can take advantage of all the sales and look for coupons online or in the paper. I’m not saying that you need to be an extreme coupon clipper, but just be aware of discounts when you can find them.

A word to the wise, especially for those living away from home who are probably more financially aware, don’t stock up on a lot of snack foods. The fact of the matter is, you’re probably not going to be in the house or apartment you’re living in all that much given the beautiful weather, work hours, and social outings so only buy food that you’ll be eating at meal times.

Before you run off to the market, note that the Whole Foods bag in the photo is not meant to encourage you to shop there. I love the place, but it’s just not realistic to get your groceries there on a regular basis (or even occasionally, if we’re honest). I am, however, promoting the use of reusable bags! Oh, and that book beside my bag of goodies is, in fact, In the Small Kitchen, thank you for noticing.

Chrysanthe is a recent graduate of Smith College who loves the summertime for taking leisurely walks in the evening and wearing sundresses and sandals every day. She enjoys ending the day with some cold beer, a good book, and the occasional double feature at the drive-in movie theater.

Originally posted on Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

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